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CLI: Self Targeting

DevCycle Identity

Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization and project.


To retrieve your current DevCycle Identity for a project, run the following command:

dvc identity get


Run the following command setup or modify your DevCycle Identity.

dvc identity update

You will be prompted to set a User ID. If you already have a User ID set, you will need to confirm that you wish to override the existing User ID.

Note: Clearing the User ID will remove all Overrides. The CLI will prompt for a confirmation of clearing all Overrides associated with that User ID in the project.

Self-Targeting Override


To retrieve all active Overrides for a project, run the following command:

dvc overrides list

To retrieve the Overrides for a specific feature and environment, run the following command::

dvc overrides get

You will be prompted to select a feature and environment if they are not passed as flags to the command.


Run the following command setup or modify your Overrides.

dvc overrides update

You will be prompted to select a feature, environment and variation to set as your Override value.

Run the following command to clear your Overrides.

dvc overrides clear

You will be prompted to select a feature and environment for which to clear Overrides. In the event you wish to clear all Overrides for the project, you may pass the --all flag on the command.